GV eye world has team of eye specialists who are well qualified and trained in reputed institutes of india with rich experience of treating various eye conditions.
1. Comprehensive eye examination.
2. Refractive error correction and contact lens disposal.
3. Computer vision syndrome evaluation and treatment.
4. Customised cataract and advanced cataract surgery.
5. Lens based refractive surgery.
6. Glaucoma evaluation and treatment.
7. Diabetic retinopathy evaluation and treatment.
8. Squint and paediatric ophthalmology.
9. Oculoplasty.
10. In house pharmacy and optical services.
“Eyes are a precious gift of God”
G V eye world is a social enterprise striving to provide quality eye care to all irrespective of their ability to pay. There is a large pool of people who can’t afford even the basic subsidised charges and hospital will not be able to sustain doing it totally free. Here we look for interested sponsorers who can partially fund the basic expenses so that hospital can do free of cost services to the needy patients. The joy of Gifting vision is a great feeling. If you are interested in gifting sight by sponsoring individual patients or by conducting eye camps, please contact us.